Home Faculty Advisor: Professor David Limmer, Department of Chemistry, UC Berkeley
Host Faculty Advisor: Professor Dr. Alpha Lee, Department of Physics, University of Cambridge
Chloe obtained a BS in Macromolecular Materials and Engineering from Fudan University, before moving to the Limmer group at UC Berkeley in 2016 as a graduate student. Her research is on developing a theoretical description of generic nonequilibrium processes, especially for systems where macroscopic laws that govern their properties break down and microscopic fluctuations become important. She studies large deviation functions (LDF) that are used to characterize the fluctuations around nonequilibrium steady states.
In her research in the Limmer group, she has developed a method to compute transport coefficients using large deviation functions (LDFs). This method relies heavily on the accurate evaluation of LDF and can be costly and inefficient for complex systems. As an alternative approach to tackling these complex problems, she will work with the Lee group in Cambridge to develop enhanced sampling algorithms employing machine learning to estimate LDFs. Once a machine learning aided sampling algorithm is devised, it can be used to study complex chemical system such as transport in ionic liquids based supercapacitors.