The Kavli ENSI brings together 23 world-class scientists from a diverse set of backgrounds with a combined interest and focus on learning the fundamentals of how energy flows and can be controlled on the nanoscale, where the rules of quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics teach us that entirely new ways of thinking are possible. The institute has developed rapidly to become a vibrant hub of engagement on these issues across the Berkeley campus and the Berkeley Lab.
Strong Partnerships for the Future: Kavli ENSI has implemented numerous programs to increase interdisciplinary collaborations.
The Kavli Institute scholars engage the energy nanosciences community in regular forums that contribute to the intellectual agenda of the institute. To this end, we have created several venues and events that will increase interdisciplinary collaborations.
Established in 2016, the Kavli ENSI Graduate Fellowships are one-year graduate fellowship positions designed to give promising young researchers the opportunity to work across the disciplines of nanoscience to discover new ways in probing and/or controlling energy processes on the nanoscale. Read More
Established in 2016, the Kavli ENSI Heising-Simons Junior Fellowships are two-year postdoctoral fellowship positions designed to attract the most talented and promising young researchers in nanoscale science. Read More
The recipients of the Kavli ENSI Thesis Prize award are reviewed based on the quality of work, publication status, strength of up to two supporting letters, CV of the nominee, and relevance of the thesis to the Kavli mission. The prize will be presented biannually after the thesis deadlines in May and December of each year. Read More
Kavli ENSI provides computer resources at The Molecular Graphics and Computation Facility (MGCF) for Kavli ENSI researchers. There are two dedicated workstations for Kavli researchers at MGCF with Kavli specific software (Comsol, Lumerical, Materials Studio, Origin and Solidworks ). In addition, Kavli researchers have full access to all MGCF resources as described on the MGCF website. For access, please contact Dr. Kathy Durkin, Director of MGCF < sends e-mail)(link sends e-mail)> Read More
An exchange program between the Winton Program for Physics of Sustainability (Winton Program) at the University of Cambridge and the Kavli Energy NanoScience Institute (Kavli ENSI) was established in 2016 to promote and further academic links between the two institutions. In that time, this partnership has produced a shared commitment to exchange ideas and solutions in order to advance science through joint workshops, sharing resources, and academic exchanges of postdoctoral researchers and faculty members annually. The exchange program would run a competitive processes, explore joint hires and resources, and would continue in subsequent years. Read More
An exchange program has been established to foster research collaboration in the fields of energy technology between the Korea Institute of Energy Technology (KENTECH) and the Kavli Energy NanoScience Institute (ENSI). On September 22, 2023, Professor Peidong Yang, the director of ENSI, and Professor Chino Park, the Vice President for Research and Dean of KENTECH Institutes, formally signed a Memorandum of Understanding. This agreement aims to support the development of programs and activities that promote academic advancement through their collaborative efforts. Read More