Enel Foundation Forms Tech Innovation Hub with California University

August 13, 2021

A new scientific and technological innovation hub has been established at the University of California, Berkeley, by the Enel Foundation and the Center for Sustainable Materials and Innovation (CSMI).

Alessandra Lanzara, head of CSMI, Professor of Physics at UC Berkeley, said the hub will “solve some of the most pressing sustainable development goals around materials design and the circular economy”.

Researchers from Enel and from both Italian and US universities will collaborate on the research and development of solutions that have the potential to accelerate the energy transition, environmental sustainability, and digital transformation of the utility sector.

Focus areas will include:

  • Sustainable materials for reducing consumption and waste utilised in solar, wind, geothermal, thermal and energy storage.
  • Resilient energy production systems and infrastructure.
  • Weather forecasting systems for energy applications.
  • Energy storage for smart mobility and vehicle-to-grid systems.
  • Smart grids.