2024-2025 Kavli Heising-Simons Junior Fellow
Faculty Advisor: Irfan Siddiqi
Noah Goss is a 4th year Physics Ph. D. student in the Quantum Nanoelectronics Laboratory of Professor Irfan Siddiqi. Noah received a B.A. with a double major in Physics and Mathematics from Columbia University in 2019. After graduation, Noah spent one year as a research assistant at New York University in the group of Javad Shabani where his research focused on novel superconducting qubits based on hybrid semiconductors/superconductors Van der Waals heterostructures. Outside of the lab, Noah enjoys skiing, playing tennis, travelling to new countries, and trying out pasta recipes.
Noah Goss’ graduate research at Berkeley focuses broadly on the device physics of quantum computers built using techniques in Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics. Specifically, Noah is interested in leveraging the inherent multilevel energy structure of superconducting circuits to build more robust and powerful quantum computers and quantum simulators based on quantum dits (or qudits) rather than the standard quantum bits (or qubits). Previously, Noah has employed the differential AC-Stark effect between two superconducting qutrits (quantum three-level systems) to demonstrate a high-fidelity multi-qutrit entangling quantum logic gate. He has additionally investigated two-photon qudit-qudit entanglement utilizing a Raman process, leveraging it to generate large entangled qudit Bell and GHZ states. Other work of his includes characterizing and mitigating the more complex quantum noise present in multi-level quantum devices. The study of qudit based quantum computing may enable quantum computers with exponentially larger processing power and hasten the emergence of fault-tolerant quantum computing.
As a Kavli ENSI graduate fellow, Noah will continue his research to improve qudit based quantum devices and demonstrate their near-term viability in a qudit-based quantum simulator. Specifically, Noah intends to study coupler-assisted parametric entanglement between qudits to generate a significantly faster and tunable quantum entangling interaction. With this parametric interaction deployed on a quantum simulator of an array of coupled qudits, he aims to elucidate the complex dynamics of out-of-equilibrium many-body quantum states such as Discrete Time Crystals. Notably, these qudit many-body states should display properties not found in qubit-based systems.