Chern Insulator States with Tunable Chern Numbers in a Graphene Moiré Superlattice


Moiré superlattices, constituted by two-dimensional materials, demonstrate a variety of strongly correlated and topological phenomena including correlated insulators, superconductivity, and integer/fractional Chern insulators. In the realm of topological nontrivial Chern insulators within specific moiré superlattices, previous studies usually observe a single Chern number at a given filling factor in a device. Here we present the observation of gate-tunable Chern numbers within the Chern insulator state of an ABC-stacked trilayer graphene/hexagonal boron nitride moiré superlattice device. Near quarter filling, the moiré superlattice exhibits spontaneous valley polarization and distinct ferromagnetism associated with the Chern insulator states over a range of the displacement field. Surprisingly we find a transition of the Chern number from C = 3 to 4 as the displacement field is increased. Our observation of gate-tunable correlated Chern insulators suggests new ways to control and manipulate topological states in a moiré superlattice device.

Wang S
Zhang Z
Li H
Sanborn C
Zhao W
Wang S
Watanabe K
Taniguchi T
Crommie MF
Chen G
Wang F
Publication date: 
June 2, 2024
Publication type: 
Journal Article