Kavli ENSI
2025-2026 Call For Applications Is NOW CLOSED
KAVLI ENSI GRADUATE STUDENT FELLOWSHIPS are one-year graduate fellowship positions designed to give promising young researchers the opportunity to work across the disciplines of nanoscience to discover new ways in probing and/or controlling energy processes on the nanoscale. Applications will be judged on the qualifications of the candidate, the quality and originality of the proposed research, the commitment and support of the faculty advisor, and the relevance to the Kavli ENSI mission. Up to twelve graduate fellowships will be awarded for one year, and the Institute provides a research fund of $60,000 to be used in support of research during the Kavli ENSI Graduate Fellowship.
The Kavli ENSI Gradaute Student Fellowships are supported by endowments from the Kavli Foundation, Philomathia Foundation and PMP Tech, Inc.
THE KAVLI ENERGY NANOSCIENCES INSTITUTE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory is dedicated to studying how nature manages energy at the nanoscale and to developing entirely new ways to capture, store, and harness energy for the world’s growing population. For more information, see http://kavli.berkeley.edu/
A KAVLI ENSI GRADUATE FELLOW APPLICANT must have secured the support of at least one Kavli ENSI faculty advisor (see
1. Curriculum Vitae, including a complete list of publications.
2. A one-page Research Statement. The proposal should have a major component developing or utilizing next-generation tools for imaging/control at the nanoscale. The name of the Kavli ENSI faculty advisor must be listed at the top of the proposal. Applicants must consult and work closely with their Kavli ENSI faculty advisor before submitting any materials. The research statement must not exceed one 8 1/2 x 11 inch page and must not be written in a font smaller than 11 point.
3. Letter of support from Kavli ENSI faculty advisor.
All documents must be submitted as a single PDF file (in the above order) as an email attachment to kavli-ensi@berkeley.edu