Enhanced Coherence in Superconducting Circuits via Band Engineering


In superconducting circuits interrupted by Josephson junctions, the dependence of the energy spectrum on offset charges on different islands is 2e periodic through the Aharonov-Casher effect and resembles a crystal band structure that reflects the symmetries of the Josephson potential. We show that higher-harmonic Josephson elements described by a cos(2φ) energy-phase relation provide an increased freedom to tailor the shape of the Josephson potential and design spectra featuring multiplets of flat bands and Dirac points in the charge Brillouin zone. Flat bands provide noise-insensitive energy levels, and consequently, engineering band pairs with flat spectral gaps can help improve the coherence of the system. We discuss a modified version of a flux qubit that achieves, in principle, no decoherence from charge noise and introduce a flux qutrit that shows a spin-1 Dirac spectrum and is simultaneously quite robust to both charge and flux noise.

Chirolli L
Moore JE
Publication date: 
May 6, 2021
Publication type: 
Journal Article