Exciton Lifetime and Optical Line Width Profile via Exciton–Phonon Interactions: Theory and First-Principles Calculations for Monolayer MoS2


Exciton dynamics dictates the evolution of photoexcited carriers in photovoltaic and optoelectronic devices. However, interpreting their experimental signatures is a challenging theoretical problem due to the presence of both electron–phonon and many-electron interactions. We develop and apply here a first-principles approach to exciton dynamics resulting from exciton–phonon coupling in monolayer MoS2 and reveal the highly selective nature of exciton–phonon coupling due to the internal spin structure of excitons, which leads to a surprisingly long lifetime of the lowest-energy bright A exciton. Moreover, we show that optical absorption processes rigorously require a second-order perturbation theory approach, with photon and phonon treated on an equal footing, as proposed by Toyozawa and Hopfield. Such a treatment, thus far neglected in first-principles studies, gives rise to off-diagonal exciton–phonon self-energy, which is critical for the description of dephasing mechanisms and yields exciton line widths in excellent agreement with experiment.

Chan YH
Louie SG
Neaton JB
Publication date: 
April 18, 2023
Publication type: 
Journal Article