Fast Room-Temperature Mg-Ion Conduction in Clay-Like Halide Glassy Electrolytes


The discovery of mechanically soft solid-state materials with fast Mg-ion conduction is crucial for the development of solid-state magnesium batteries. In this paper, novel magnesium gallium halide compounds are reported that achieve high ionic conductivity of 0.47 mS cm−1 at room temperature. These Mg-ion conductors obtained by ball milling Mg and Ga salts exhibit clay-like mechanical properties, enabling intimate contact at the electrode–electrolyte interface during battery cycling. With a combination of experimental and computational analysis, this study identifies that the soft-clay formation is induced by partial anion exchange during milling. This partial anion exchange creates undercoordinated magnesium ions in a chlorine-rich environment, yielding fast Mg-ion conduction. This work demonstrates the potential of clay-like halide electrolytes for all-solid-state magnesium batteries, with possible further extension to other multivalent battery systems.

Yang X
Gupta S
Chen Y
Sari D
Hau H
Cai Z
Publication date: 
April 24, 2024
Publication type: 
Journal Article