Graphene-Sealed Flow Cells for In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy of Liquid Samples


We introduce a graphene-based nanofluidic cell that facilitates in situ imaging of liquid samples via transmission electron microscopy. The cell combines the benefits of graphene liquid cells—namely, high resolution, reduced charging effects, and excellent sample stability—with the ability to introduce reactants and control fluid concentrations as provided by conventional silicon-nitride-windowed flow cells. The graphene flow cell offers significantly less window bowing compared to existing commercial holders. We demonstrate the performance of the flow cell by imaging gold nanoparticle dynamics and uranyl acetate crystallization. Our results confirm the utility of graphene flow cells in obtaining the high spatial and temporal resolution required for probing the complex dynamics of nanoparticles and nucleation pathways in aqueous solutions.

Gabriel Dunn
Vivekananda P. Adiga
Thang Pham
Christopher Bryant
Donez J. Horton-Bailey
Jason N. Belling
Ben LaFrance
Jonathan A. Jackson
Hamid Reza Barzegar
Jong Min Yuk
Shaul Aloni
Michael F. Crommie
Alex Zettl
Publication date: 
July 28, 2020
Publication type: 
Journal Article