Manipulating chiral spin transport with ferroelectric polarization


A magnon is a collective excitation of the spin structure in a magnetic insulator and can transmit spin angular momentum with negligible dissipation. This quantum of a spin wave has always been manipulated through magnetic dipoles (that is, by breaking time-reversal symmetry). Here we report the experimental observation of chiral spin transport in multiferroic BiFeO3 and its control by reversing the ferroelectric polarization (that is, by breaking spatial inversion symmetry). The ferroelectrically controlled magnons show up to 18% modulation at room temperature. The spin torque that the magnons in BiFeO3 carry can be used to efficiently switch the magnetization of adjacent magnets, with a spin–torque efficiency comparable to the spin Hall effect in heavy metals. Utilizing such controllable magnon generation and transmission in BiFeO3, an all-oxide, energy-scalable logic is demonstrated composed of spin–orbit injection, detection and magnetoelectric control. Our observations open a new chapter of multiferroic magnons and pave another path towards low-dissipation nanoelectronics.

Huang X
Chen X
Li Y
Mangeri J
Zhang H
Ramesh M
Taghinejad H
Analytis JG
Nelson KA
Liu M
Publication date: 
April 15, 2024
Publication type: 
Journal Article