Reversible disorder-order transitions in atomic crystal nucleation


Nucleation in atomic crystallization remains poorly understood, despite advances in classical nucleation theory. The nucleation process has been described to involve a nonclassical mechanism that includes a spontaneous transition from disordered to crystalline states, but a detailed understanding of dynamics requires further investigation. In situ electron microscopy of heterogeneous nucleation of individual gold nanocrystals with millisecond temporal resolution shows that the early stage of atomic crystallization proceeds through dynamic structural fluctuations between disordered and crystalline states, rather than through a single irreversible transition. Our experimental and theoretical analyses support the idea that structural fluctuations originate from size-dependent thermodynamic stability of the two states in atomic clusters. These findings, based on dynamics in a real atomic system, reshape and improve our understanding of nucleation mechanisms in atomic crystallization.

Sungho Jeon
Taeyeong Heo
Sang-Yeon Hwang
Jim Ciston
Karen C Bustillo
Bryan W Reed
Jimin Ham
Sungsu Kang
Sungin Kim
Joowon Lim
Kitaek Lim
Ji Soo Kim
Min-Ho Kang
Ruth S Bloom
Sukjoon Hong
Kwanpyo Kim
Alex Zettl
Woo Youn Kim
Peter Ercius
Jungwon Park
Won Chul Lee
Publication date: 
January 29, 2021
Publication type: 
Journal Article