In materials science, it is often assumed that the most thermodynamically stable crystal structure is the easiest polymorph to synthesize. Ternary nitride materials, with many possible metastable polymorphs, provide a domain to test this assumption; for example, ZnZrN$_2$ is predicted to have an unusual layered "wurtsalt" crystal structure and exciting optoelectronic properties, but can it be realized experimentally? Here, we synthesize hundreds of Zn$_x$Zr$_{1-x}$N$_y$ thin film samples, and find metastable rocksalt-derived or boron-nitride-derived structures rather than the thermodynamically stable wurtsalt structure. Computations show that this divergence is due to both entropic and enthalpic stabilization effects. Rocksalt- and boron-nitride-derived structures become the most stable polymorphs in the presence of disorder because of higher tolerances to cation cross-substitution and off-stoichiometry than the wurtsalt structure. By understanding the role of disorder tolerance in the synthesis of metastable polymorphs, we can enable more accurate predictions of synthesizable crystal structures and their achievable material properties.
Publication date:
December 23, 2020
Publication type:
Journal Article