Electrochemically derived multicarbon products are a golden target for valorization of captured carbon dioxide due to the potential of turning a waste product into useful commodity chemicals with renewable energy sources. As a tantalizing approach toward their synthesis, the formose reaction utilizes catalytic condensation of formaldehyde to generate carbohydrates. While a sustainable approach to artificial carbohydrate production through electrochemical generation of formaldehyde is desirable, to date, it has not been fully realized. Here, we study the electrocatalytic conversion of methanol to formaldehyde on palladium with faradaic efficiency of over 90% at 0.9 V vs Ag/AgCl and with the partial current density of nearly 3 mA cm–2 at 1.6 V vs Ag/AgCl. We observe the concurrent generation of palladium oxides as a consequence of the high overpotentials employed, which may partially explain the higher selectivity toward the partial oxidation product. Moreover, we demonstrate that formaldehyde produced electrochemically from methanol is feasible for formose reactions without the need for further purification, achieving 21–28% carbon conversion to carbohydrates. This process, therefore, represents a potential avenue for the electrochemical generation of formaldehyde and its utilization in generating multicarbon products inaccessible by other electrocatalytic means.
Publication date:
August 17, 2023
Publication type:
Journal Article