Tunable Anisotropic Photon Emission from Self-Organized CsPbBr3 Perovskite Nanocrystals


We report controllable anisotropic light emission of photons originating from vertically aligned transition dipole moments in spun-cast films of CsPbBr3 nanocubes. By depositing films of nanocrystals on precoated substrates we can control the packing density and resultant radiation pattern of the emitted photons. We develop a technical framework to calculate the average orientation of light emitters, i.e., the angle between the transition dipole moment vector (TDM) and the substrate. This model is applicable to any emissive material with a known refractive index. Theoretical modeling indicates that oriented emission originates from an anisotropic alignment of the valence band and conduction band edge states on the ionic crystal lattice and demonstrates a general path to model the experimentally less accessible internal electric field of a nanosystem from the photoluminescent anisotropy. The uniquely accessible surface of the perovskite nanoparticles allows for perturbation of the normally isotropic emissive transition. The reported sensitive and tunable TDM orientation and control of emitted light will allow for applications of perovskite nanocrystals in a wide range of photonic technologies inaccessible to traditional light emitters.

M. J. Jurow
T. Lampe
E. Penzo
J. Kang
T. Zechel
Z. Nett
M. Brady
L-W. Wang
A. P. Alivisatos
S. Cabrini
W. Brutting
Y. Liu
Publication date: 
June 21, 2017
Publication type: 
Journal Article