High-entropy alloy (HEA) nanoparticles are promising catalyst candidates for the acidic oxygen evolution reaction (OER). Herein, we report the synthesis of IrFeCoNiCu-HEA nanoparticles on a carbon paper substrate via a microwave-assisted shock synthesis method. Under OER conditions in 0.1 M HClO4, the HEA nanoparticles exhibit excellent activity with an overpotential of ∼302 mV measured at 10 mA cm–2 and improved stability over 12 h of operation compared to the monometallic Ir counterpart. Importantly, an active Ir-rich shell layer with nanodomain features was observed to form on the surface of IrFeCoNiCu-HEA nanoparticles immediately after undergoing electrochemical activation, mainly due to the dissolution of the constituent 3d metals. The core of the particles was able to preserve the characteristic homogeneous single-phase HEA structure without significant phase separation or elemental segregation. This work illustrates that under acidic operating conditions, the near-surface structure of HEA nanoparticles is susceptible to a certain degree of structural dynamics.
Publication date:
July 5, 2023
Publication type:
Journal Article