2020 New's Items

Photosynthetic semiconductor biohybrids for solar-driven biocatalysis

Cestellos-Blanco S
Zhang H
Kim JM
Shen Y-x
Yang P

Photosynthetic semiconductor biohybrids integrate the best attributes of biological whole-cell catalysts and semiconducting nanomaterials. Enzymatic machinery enveloped in its native cellular environment offers exquisite product selectivity and low substrate activation barriers while semiconducting nanomaterials harvest light energy stably and efficiently. In this Review Article, we illustrate the evolution and advances of photosynthetic semiconductor biohybrids focusing on the conversion of CO2 to value-added chemicals. We begin by considering the potential...

Mott and generalized Wigner crystal states in WSe2/WS2 moiré superlattices

Emma C Regan
Danqing Wang
Chenhao Jin
M Iqbal Bakti Utama
Beini Gao
Xin Wei
Sihan Zhao
Wenyu Zhao
Zuocheng Zhang
Kentaro Yumigeta
Mark Blei
Johan D Carlstrom
Kenji Watanabe
Takashi Taniguchi
Sefaattin Tongay
Michael Crommie
Alex Zettl

Moiré superlattices can be used to engineer strongly correlated electronic states in two-dimensional van der Waals heterostructures, as recently demonstrated in the correlated insulating and superconducting states observed in magic-angle twisted-bilayer graphene and ABC trilayer graphene/boron nitride moiré superlattices1,...

Universal spin dynamics in infinite-temperature one-dimensional quantum magnets

Dupont M
Moore JE

We address the nature of spin dynamics in various integrable and nonintegrable, isotropic and anisotropic quantum spin-S chains, beyond the paradigmatic S=1/2 Heisenberg model. In particular, we investigate the algebraic long-time decay ...

Origin of Disorder Tolerance in Piezoelectric Materials and Design of Polar Systems

Ling H
Dwaraknath SS
Persson KA

Current high-performing piezoelectric materials are dominated by perovskites that rely on soft optical phonon modes stabilized by disorder near a morphotropic phase boundary and a unique resilience of the polar response to that disorder. To identify structural families with similar resilience, we develop a first-principles sensitivity analysis approach to determine the effect of disorder on the piezoelectric response for structures in the Materials Project database. In well-known piezoelectric systems, the lattice dynamics, rather than internal strain or dielectric, control the polar...

Lead halide perovskite nanowires stabilized by block copolymers for Langmuir-Blodgett assembly

Liu H
Siron M
Gao M
Lu D
Bekenstein Y
Zhang D
Dou L
Alivisatos AP
Yang P

The rapid development of solar cells based on lead halide perovskites (LHPs) has prompted very active research activities in other closely-related fields. Colloidal nanostructures of such materials display superior optoelectronic properties. Especially, one-dimensional (1D) LHPs nanowires show anisotropic optical properties when they are highly oriented. However, the ionic nature makes them very sensitive to external environment, limiting their large scale practical applications. Here, we introduce an amphiphilic block copolymer, polystyrene-block-poly(4-vinylpyridine) (PS-P4VP), to...

Manipulating long-lived topological surface photovoltage in bulk-insulating topological insulators Bi2Se3 and Bi2Te3

Ciocys S
Morimoto T
Mori R
Gotlieb K
Hussain Z
Analytis JG
Moore JE
Lanzara A

The appearance of topologically protected spin-momentum locked surface states in topological insulators gives rise to robust room temperature spin currents making them ideal candidates for the realization of spintronic devices. New methods are needed to access and manipulate such currents with timescales that are compatible with modern electronics. Here we reveal that an optically induced long-lived (~10 ns), spin-polarized surface state excitation in topological insulators can be easily tuned in both magnitude and duration. Time-resolved angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy,...

Metallic Carbon Nanotube Nanocavities as Ultracompact and Low-loss Fabry–Perot Plasmonic Resonators

Wang S
Wu F
Watanabe K
Taniguchi T
Zhou C
Wang F

Plasmonic resonators enable deep subwavelength manipulation of light matter interactions and have been intensively studied both in fundamental physics as well as for potential technological applications. While various metallic nanostructures have been proposed as plasmonic resonators, their performances are rather limited at mid- and far-infrared wavelengths. Recently, highly confined and low-loss Luttinger liquid plasmons in metallic single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) have been observed at infrared wavelengths. Here, we tailor metallic SWNTs into ultraclean nanocavities by...

Frustration and Atomic Ordering in a Monolayer Semiconductor Alloy

Amin Azizi
Mehmet Dogan
Jeffrey D. Cain
Rahmatollah Eskandari
Xuanze Yu
Emily C. Glazer
Marvin L. Cohen
Alex Zettl

Frustrated interactions can lead to short-range ordering arising from incompatible interactions of fundamental physical quantities with the underlying lattice. The simplest example is the triangular lattice of spins with antiferromagnetic interactions, where the nearest-neighbor spin-spin interactions cannot simultaneously be energy minimized. Here we show that engineering frustrated interactions is a possible route for controlling structural and electronic phenomena in semiconductor alloys. Using aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy in conjunction with...

Tunable correlated Chern insulator and ferromagnetism in a moiré superlattice

Chen G
Sharpe AL
Fox EJ
Zhang YH
Wang S
Jiang L
Lyu B
Li H
Watanabe K
Taniguchi T
Shi Z
Senthil T
Goldhaber-Gordon D
Zhang Y
Wang F

Studies of two-dimensional electron systems in a strong magnetic field revealed the quantum Hall effect1, a topological state of matter featuring a finite Chern number C and chiral edge states...

Close-Packed Nanowire-Bacteria Hybrids for Efficient Solar-Driven CO2 Fixation

Su Y
Cestellos-Blanco S
Kim JM
Shen Y-x
Kong Q
Lu D
Liu C
Zhang H
Cao Y
Yang P

Microbial electro- and photo-electrochemical CO2 fixation, in which CO2-reducing microorganisms are directly interfaced with a cathode material, represent promising approaches for sustainable fuel production. Although considerable efforts have been invested to optimize microorganism species and electrode materials, the microorganism-cathode interface has not been systematically studied. Here, investigation of the interface allowed us to optimize the CO2-reducing rate of silicon nanowire/Sporomusa...