2023 New's Items

Disordered topological graphs enhancing nonlinear phenomena

Jia Z
Kanté B
Moore JE

Complex networks play a fundamental role in understanding phenomena from the collective behavior of spins, neural networks, and power grids to the spread of diseases. Topological phenomena in such networks have recently been exploited to preserve the response of systems in the presence of disorder. We propose and demonstrate topological structurally disordered systems with a modal structure that enhances nonlinear phenomena in the topological channels by inhibiting the ultrafast leakage of energy from edge modes to bulk modes. We present the construction of the graph and show that...

Spectral function of the J 1 − J 2 Heisenberg model on the triangular lattice

Sherman NE
Dupont M
Moore JE

Spectral probes, such as neutron scattering, are crucial for characterizing excitations in quantum many-body systems and the properties of quantum materials. Among the most elusive phases of matter are quantum spin liquids, which have no long-range order even at zero temperature and host exotic fractionalized excitations with nontrivial statistics. These phases can occur in frustrated quantum magnets, such as the paradigmatic Heisenberg model with nearest- and next-nearest-neighbor exchange interactions on the triangular lattice, the so-called ...

Breakdown of helical edge state topologically protected conductance in time-reversal-breaking excitonic insulators

Wang Y-Q
Papaj M
Moore JE

Gapless helical edge modes are a hallmark of the quantum spin Hall effect. Protected by time-reversal symmetry, each edge contributes a quantized zero-temperature conductance quantum G0e2/h. However, the experimentally observed conductance in ...

Spin wavepackets in the Kagome ferromagnet Fe3Sn2: Propagation and precursors

Lee C
Orenstein J
Moore JE

The propagation of spin waves in magnetically ordered systems has emerged as a potential means to shuttle quantum information over large distances. Conventionally, the arrival time of a spin wavepacket at a distance, d, is assumed to be determined by its group velocity, vg. Here, we report time-resolved optical measurements of wavepacket propagation in the Kagome ferromagnet Fe3Sn2 that demonstrate the arrival of spin information at times significantly less than d/vg...

Realization of U(1) Dirac Quantum Spin Liquid in YbZn2GaO5

Xu S
Haravifard S
Moore JE

The emergence of a quantum spin liquid (QSL), a state of matter that can result when electron spins are highly correlated but do not become ordered, has been the subject of a considerable body of research in condensed matter physics. Spin liquid states have been proposed as hosts for high-temperature superconductivity and can host topological properties with potential applications in quantum information science. The excitations of most quantum spin liquids are not conventional spin waves but rather quasiparticles known as spinons, whose existence is well established experimentally...

Imaging the Meissner effect and flux trapping in a hydride superconductor at megabar pressures using a nanoscale quantum sensor

Bhattacharyya P
Yao NY
Moore JE

By directly altering microscopic interactions, pressure provides a powerful tuning knob for the exploration of condensed phases and geophysical phenomena. The megabar regime represents an exciting frontier, where recent discoveries include novel high-temperature superconductors, as well as structural and valence phase transitions. However, at such high pressures, many conventional measurement techniques fail. Here, we demonstrate the ability to perform local magnetometry inside of a diamond anvil cell with sub-micron spatial resolution at megabar pressures. Our approach utilizes a...

Dynamics of fractionalized mean-field theories: Consequences for Kitaev materials

Cookmeyer T
Moore JE

There have been substantial recent efforts, both experimentally and theoretically, to find a material realization of the Kitaev spin liquid—the ground state of the exactly solvable Kitaev model on the honeycomb lattice. Candidate materials are now plentiful, but the presence of non-Kitaev terms makes comparison between theory and experiment challenging. We rederive time-dependent Majorana mean-field theory and extend it to include quantum phase information, allowing the direct computation of the experimentally relevant dynamical spin-spin correlator, which reproduces exact results...

Complex magnetic and spatial symmetry breaking from correlations in kagome flat bands

Lin Y-P
Liu C
Moore JE

We present the mean-field phase diagram of electrons in a kagome flat band with repulsive interactions. In addition to flat-band ferromagnetism, the Hartree-Fock analysis yields cascades of unconventional magnetic orders driven by onsite repulsion as filling changes. These include a series of antiferromagnetic (AFM) spin-charge stripe orders, as well as an evolution from 120AFM to intriguing noncoplanar spin orders with...

Long-range, non-local switching of spin textures in a frustrated antiferromagnet

Haley SC
Analytis JG
Moore JE

Antiferromagnetic spintronics is an emerging area of quantum technologies that leverage the coupling between spin and orbital degrees of freedom in exotic materials. Spin-orbit interactions allow spin or angular momentum to be injected via electrical stimuli to manipulate the spin texture of a material, enabling the storage of information and energy. In general, the physical process is intrinsically local: spin is carried by an electrical current, imparted into the magnetic system, and the spin texture will then rotate in the region of current flow. In this study, we show that spin...

Topological quantum synchronization of fractionalized spins

Wächtler CW
Moore JE

The gapped symmetric phase of the Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki (AKLT) model exhibits fractionalized spins at the ends of an open chain. We show that breaking SU(2) symmetry and applying a global spin-lowering dissipator achieves synchronization of these fractionalized spins\rev{, which remains protected even if the inversion symmetry is not preserved}. Additional local dissipators ensure convergence to the ground state manifold. In order to understand which aspects of this synchronization are robust within the entire Haldane-gap phase, we reduce the biquadratic term which eliminates...