2023 New's Items

Angle-resolved pair photoemission theory for correlated electrons

Devereaux TP
Shen Z-X
Moore JE

In this paper, we consider the possibility and conditions for pair photoemission, whereby two incident photons emit pairs of electrons from a candidate material, as a method to measure and visualize electronic correlations. As opposed to double photoemission—where a single photon precipitates the ejection of a pair of electrons via a subsequent electron energy loss scattering process—we show that pair photoemission need not be limited to interference between initial photoelectrons and valence electrons and moreover can occur without the energy penalty of two work functions. This...

Symmetry-breaking pathway towards the unpinned broken helix

Donoway E
Sunko V
Moore JE

One of the prime material candidates to host the axion insulator state is EuIn2As2. First-principles calculations predicted the emergence of this exotic topological phase based on the assumption of a collinear antiferromagnetic structure. However, neutron scattering...

Linear magneto-conductivity as a DC probe of time-reversal symmetry breaking

Sunko V
Orenstein J
Moore JE

Several optical experiments have shown that in magnetic materials the principal axes of response tensors can rotate in a magnetic field. Here we offer a microscopic explanation of this effect, and propose a closely related DC transport phenomenon -- an off-diagonal \emph{symmetric} conductivity linear in a magnetic field, which we refer to as linear magneto-conductivity (LMC). Although LMC has the same functional dependence on magnetic field as the Hall effect, its origin is fundamentally different: LMC requires time-reversal symmetry to be broken even before a magnetic field is...

Converting Non-Equilibrium Charge Density into Spin Current

Vila M
Moore JE

The interconversion between charge and spin degrees of freedom is of both fundamental and technological relevance in spintronics. While a non-equilibrium spin density and a charge current are related by the well known Rashba-Edelstein effect, here we theoretically model the generation of a time-dependent spin current due to a periodic modulation of the charge density, for example by a gate. By using the Boltzmann transport equation, we show that when the chemical potential is varied, a spin current is generated in the time scale it takes for the system to re-equilibrate in the new...

Structural evolution of water-in-propylene carbonate mixtures revealed by polarized Raman spectroscopy and molecular dynamics

Clark JB
Allen HC
Limmer DT

The liquid structure of systems wherein water is limited in concentration or through geometry is of great interest in various fields such as biology, materials science, and electrochemistry. Here, we present a combined polarized Raman and molecular dynamics investigation of the structural changes that occur as water is added incrementally to propylene carbonate (PC), a polar, aprotic solvent that is important in lithium-ion batteries. Polarized Raman spectra of PC solutions were collected for water mole fractions 0.003 ≤ χwater ≤ 0....

Probing reaction channels via reinforcement learning

Liang S
Yang C
Limmer DT

Chemical reactions are dynamical processes involving the correlated reorganization of atomic configurations, driving the conversion of an initial reactant into a result product. By virtue of the metastability of both the reactants and products, chemical reactions are rare events, proceeding fleetingly. Reaction pathways can be modelled probabilistically by using the notion of reactive density in the phase space of the molecular system. Such density is related to a function known as the committor function, which describes the likelihood of a configuration evolving to one of the nearby...

Variational deep learning of equilibrium transition path ensembles

Singh AN
Limmer DT

We present a time-dependent variational method to learn the mechanisms of equilibrium reactive processes and efficiently evaluate their rates within a transition path ensemble. This approach builds off of the variational path sampling methodology by approximating the time-dependent commitment probability within a neural network ansatz. The reaction mechanisms inferred through this approach are elucidated by a novel decomposition of the rate in terms of the components of a stochastic path action conditioned on a transition. This decomposition affords an ability to resolve the typical...

Weak Temperature Dependence of the Relative Rates of Chlorination and Hydrolysis of N2O5 in NaCl–Water Solutions

Kregel SJ
Bertram TH
Limmer DT

We have measured the temperature dependence of the ClNO2 product yield in competition with hydrolysis following N2O5 uptake to aqueous NaCl solutions. For NaCl–D2O solutions spanning 0.0054–0.21 M, the ClNO2 product yield decreases on average by only 4 ± 3% from 5 to 25 °C. Less reproducible measurements at 0.54–2.4 M NaCl also fall within this range. The ratio of the rate constants for chlorination and hydrolysis of N2O...

Direct Observation of Transient Structural Dynamics of Atomically Thin Halide Perovskite Nanowires

Gao M
Yang P
Limmer DT

Halide perovskite is a unique dynamical system, whose structural and chemical processes happening across different timescales have significant impact on its physical properties and device-level performance. However, due to its intrinsic instability, real-time investigation of the structure dynamics of halide perovskite is challenging, which hinders the systematic understanding of the chemical processes in the synthesis, phase transition, and degradation of halide perovskite. Here, we show that atomically thin carbon materials can stabilize ultrathin halide perovskite nanostructures...

Size-Dependent Lattice Symmetry Breaking Determines the Exciton Fine Structure of Perovskite Nanocrystals

Weinberg D
Rabani E
Limmer DT

The order of bright and dark excitonic states in lead-halide perovskite nanocrystals is debated. It has been proposed that the Rashba effect, driven by lattice-induced symmetry breaking, causes a bright excitonic ground state. Direct measurements of excitonic spectra, however, show the signatures of a dark ground state, bringing the role of the Rashba effect into question. We use an atomistic theory to model the exciton fine structure of perovskite nanocrystals, accounting for realistic lattice distortions. We calculate optical gaps and excitonic features that compare favorably with...