2024 New's Items

The Limited Incorporation and Role of Fluorine in Mn-rich Disordered Rocksalt Cathodes

Zhong P
Ong J
Yoshida E
Kwon A
Ceder G

Disordered rocksalt oxide (DRX) cathodes are promising candidates for next-generation Co- and Ni-free Li-ion batteries. While fluorine substitution for oxygen has been explored as an avenue to enhance their performance, the amount of fluorine incorporated into the DRX structure is particularly challenging to quantify and impedes our ability to relate fluorination to electrochemical performance. Herein, an experimental–computational method combining 7Li and 19F solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance, and ab initio cluster expansion Monte Carlo simulations, is...

Fast Room-Temperature Mg-Ion Conduction in Clay-Like Halide Glassy Electrolytes

Yang X
Gupta S
Chen Y
Sari D
Hau H
Cai Z

The discovery of mechanically soft solid-state materials with fast Mg-ion conduction is crucial for the development of solid-state magnesium batteries. In this paper, novel magnesium gallium halide compounds are reported that achieve high ionic conductivity of 0.47 mS cm−1 at room temperature. These Mg-ion conductors obtained by ball milling Mg and Ga salts exhibit clay-like mechanical properties, enabling intimate contact at the electrode–electrolyte interface during battery cycling. With a combination of experimental and computational analysis, this study identifies that the...

Alkali-Ion-Assisted Activation of ε-VOPO4 as a Cathode Material for Mg-Ion Batteries

Sari D
Rutt A
Kim J
Chen Q
Hahn NT
Kim H

Rechargeable multivalent-ion batteries are attractive alternatives to Li-ion batteries to mitigate their issues with metal resources and metal anodes. However, many challenges remain before they can be practically used due to the low solid-state mobility of multivalent ions. In this study, a promising material identified by high-throughput computational screening is investigated, ε-VOPO4, as a Mg cathode. The experimental and computational evaluation of ε-VOPO4 suggests that it may provide an energy density of >200 Wh kg−1 based on the average...

Unlocking Li superionic conductivity in face-centred cubic oxides via face-sharing configurations

Chen Y
Lun Z
Zhao X
Koirala KP
Li L
Sun Y

Oxides with a face-centred cubic (fcc) anion sublattice are generally not considered as solid-state electrolytes as the structural framework is thought to be unfavourable for lithium (Li) superionic conduction. Here we demonstrate Li superionic conductivity in fcc-type oxides in which face-sharing Li configurations have been created through cation over-stoichiometry in rocksalt-type lattices via excess Li. We find that the face-sharing Li configurations create a novel spinel with unconventional stoichiometry and raise the energy of Li, thereby promoting fast Li-ion conduction. The over-...

Integrated analysis of X-ray diffraction patterns and pair distribution functions for machine-learned phase identification

Szymanski NJ
Fu S
Persson E
Ceder G

To bolster the accuracy of existing methods for automated phase identification from X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns, we introduce a machine learning approach that uses a dual representation whereby XRD patterns are augmented with simulated pair distribution functions (PDFs). A convolutional neural network is trained directly on XRD patterns calculated using physics-informed data augmentation, which accounts for experimental artifacts such as lattice strain and crystallographic texture. A second network is trained on PDFs generated via Fourier transform of the augmented XRD patterns. At...

Degradation Mechanism of Phosphate-Based Li-NASICON Conductors in Alkaline Environment

Lam BX
Li Z
Mishra TP
Ceder G

NASICON-type Li conductors (Li-NASICON) have traditionally been regarded as promising candidates for solid-state Li-air battery applications because of their stability in water and ambient air. However, the presence of water in the cathode of a Li-air battery can induce a highly alkaline environment by modifying the discharge product from Li2O2 to LiOH which can potentially degrade cathode and separator materials. This study investigates the alkaline stability of common Li-NASICON chemistries through a systematic experimental study of LiTixGe2-x...

Effect of solid-electrolyte pellet density on failure of solid-state batteries

Diallo MS
Shi T
Zhang Y
Peng X
Shozib I
Wang Y

Despite the potentially higher energy density and improved safety of solid-state batteries (SSBs) relative to Li-ion batteries, failure due to Li-filament penetration of the solid electrolyte and subsequent short circuit remains a critical issue. Herein, we show that Li-filament growth is suppressed in solid-electrolyte pellets with a relative density beyond ~95%. Below this threshold value, however, the battery shorts more easily as the density increases due to faster Li-filament growth within the percolating pores in the pellet. The microstructural properties (e.g., pore size,...

Selective formation of metastable polymorphs in solid-state synthesis

Zeng Y
Szymanski NJ
He T
Jun K
Gallington LC
Huo H
Metastable polymorphs often result from the interplay between thermodynamics and kinetics. Despite advances in predictive synthesis for solution-based techniques, there remains a lack of methods to design solid-state reactions targeting metastable materials. Here, we introduce a theoretical framework to predict and control polymorph selectivity in solid-state reactions. This framework presents reaction energy as a rarely used handle for polymorph selection, which influences the role of surface energy in promoting the nucleation of metastable phases. Through in situ characterization and...

Engineering interfacial polarization switching in van der Waals multilayers

Van Winkle M
Dowlatshahi N
Khaloo N
Iyer M
Craig IM
Dhall R
Taniguchi T
Watanabe K
Bediako DK

In conventional ferroelectric materials, polarization is an intrinsic property limited by bulk crystallographic structure and symmetry. Recently, it has been demonstrated that polar order can also be accessed using inherently non-polar van der Waals materials through layer-by-layer assembly into heterostructures, wherein interfacial interactions can generate spontaneous, switchable polarization. Here we show that deliberate interlayer rotations in multilayer van der Waals heterostructures modulate both the spatial ordering and switching dynamics of polar domains. The engendered tunability...

Optimal thermodynamic conditions to minimize kinetic by-products in aqueous materials synthesis

Wang Z
Sun Y
Cruse K
Zeng Y
Fei Y
Liu Z

Phase diagrams offer substantial predictive power for materials synthesis by identifying the stability regions of target phases. However, thermodynamic phase diagrams do not offer explicit information regarding the kinetic competitiveness of undesired by-product phases. Here we propose a quantitative and computable thermodynamic metric to identify synthesis conditions under which the propensity to form kinetically competing by-products is minimized. We hypothesize that thermodynamic competition is minimized when the difference in free energy between a target phase and the minimal energy of...