2023-2025 Heising-Simons Junior Fellow
Faculty Advisor: Professor Michael Crommie
Yi-Fan Zhao is an experimental physicist. Before joining Kavli ENSI, he received his Ph.D. in physics from the Pennsylvania State University. His research has mainly focused on molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) growth and electrical transport measurement of topological material films/heterostructures, especially quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) insulators.
At ENSI, Yi-Fan will join Prof. Crommie’s group and use scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy (STM/S) to explore fundamental physics in numerous composite quantum material systems. He is especially interested in examining Majorana physics in the QAH/superconductor hybrid heterostructure, in which the chiral Majorana mode has been proposed to emerge when a QAH insulator is coupled to an s-wave superconductor. The study of the chiral Majorana mode may provide a viable route to realize topological quantum computing. In addition, Yi-Fan is also interested in exploring new QAH systems with higher critical temperatures; and investigating novel quantum phase transitions in MX2-based materials (M=Mo, W; X=Se, Te).