2023 New's Items

Wearable Humidity Sensor for Continuous Sweat Rate Monitoring

Aggarwal A
Javey A

The rapid advancements in wearable technologies are allowing for personal and tailored monitoring systems for core bodily metrics. Modern smartwatches accurately and frequently stream physical signals such as heart rate and respiratory rate. However, smartwatches have yet to track a multitude of physiological parameters, including sweat rate. This work presents a new wearable device that tracks sweat rate, the body's most important thermoregulatory function. The device is tape-free and utilizes an off-the-shelf humidity sensor, with the potential to be integrated with existing...

Analysis of Strain and Defects in Tellurium-WSe2 Moiré Heterostructures Using Scanning Nanodiffraction

Sari B
Scott M C
Javey A

In recent years, there has been an increasing focus on 2D nongraphene materials that range from insulators to semiconductors to metals. As a single-elemental van der Waals semiconductor, tellurium (Te) has captivating anisotropic physical properties. Recent work demonstrated growth of ultrathin Te on WSe2 with the atomic chains of Te aligned with the armchair directions of the substrate using physical vapor deposition (PVD). In this system, a moiré superlattice is formed where micrometer-scale Te flakes sit on top of the continuous WSe2...

A Color-Tunable Alternating Current Organic Light Emitting Capacitor

Kim J
Javey A

We demonstrate an alternating current (AC) driven light emitting capacitor in which the color of the emission spectra can be changed via an applied AC frequency. The device has a simple metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) capacitor structure with an organic emissive layer, enabling facile fabrication processing. The organic emissive layer comprises a thin, submonolayer low energy dye layer underneath a thick host matrix (∼30 nm) with higher energy emitting dyes. The emission of the lower energy dyes dominates at low frequency, while the higher energy emission of the host matrix dominates...

Electrically driven light emission from single quantum dots using pulsed MOS capacitors

Wang V
Javey A

Robust, nanoscale light-emitting devices are attractive for emerging photonic and quantum engineering applications. However, conventional approaches suffer from fabrication challenges or lack the potential to address individual nanostructures, such as quantum dots. In this paper, we present a device that can produce electrically driven light emission from a single quantum dot using a single carbon nanotube as the charge injection contact. The device has a metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitor structure and operates based on an unconventional mechanism of electroluminescence, which...

Gate Controlled Excitonic Emission in Quantum Dot Thin Films

Rahman I K M R
Javey A

Formation of charged trions is detrimental to the luminescence quantum efficiency of colloidal quantum dot (QD) thin films as they predominantly undergo nonradiative recombination. In this regard, control of charged trion formation is of interest for both fundamental characterization of the quasi-particles and performance optimization. Using CdSe/CdS QDs as a prototypical material system, here we demonstrate a metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitor based on QD thin films for studying the background charge effect on the luminescence efficiency and lifetime. The concentration ratio of the...

Printable, emissivity-adaptive and albedo-optimized covering for year-round energy saving

Li J
Wu J
Javey A

Radiative cooling uses high-emissivity materials to passively cool the surface of outdoor objects, such as building roofs on hot days. The issue of overcooling with this technology on cold days can be addressed by structures with thermal emissivity that is adaptive to temperature. Despite recent advances in temperature-adaptive structures, great challenges remain in their fabrication feasibility and unoptimized solar heating that may override the radiative cooling benefit. In this work, we develop a printable, emissivity-adaptive and albedo-optimized covering (PEAC) based on...

Anomalous thickness dependence of photoluminescence quantum yield in black phosphorous

Higashitarumizu N
Javey A

Black phosphorus has emerged as a unique optoelectronic material, exhibiting tunable and high device performance from mid-infrared to visible wavelengths. Understanding the photophysics of this system is of interest to further advance device technologies based on it. Here we report the thickness dependence of the photoluminescence quantum yield at room temperature in black phosphorus while measuring the various radiative and non-radiative recombination rates. As the thickness decreases from bulk to ~4 nm, a drop in the photoluminescence quantum yield is initially observed due to enhanced...

Highly multicolored light-emitting arrays for compressive spectroscopy

Wang V
Javey A

Miniaturized, multicolored light-emitting device arrays are promising for applications in sensing, imaging, computing, and more, but the range of emission colors achievable by a conventional light-emitting diode is limited by material or device constraints. In this work, we demonstrate a highly multicolored light-emitting array with 49 different, individually addressable colors on a single chip. The array consists of pulsed-driven metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitors, which generate electroluminescence from microdispensed materials spanning a diverse range of colors and spectral...

Long operating lifetime mid-infrared LEDs based on black phosphorus

Higashitarumizu N
Javey A

Black phosphorus (BP) is a narrow bandgap layered semiconductor promising for mid-infrared optoelectronic applications. BP-based devices have been shown to surpass state-of-the-art mid-infrared detectors and light-emitting diodes (LEDs) in terms of performance. Despite their device advantages, the material’s inherent instability in the air could hinder its use in practical optoelectronic applications. Here, we investigated the impact of passivation on the device lifetime of BP LEDs, which deteriorate in a matter of seconds without using passivation. The lifetime is significantly...

Large-scale efficient mid-wave infrared optoelectronics based on black phosphorus ink

Gupta N
Javey A

The mid-wave infrared (MWIR), ranging from 2 to 5 micrometers, is of substantial interest for chemical sensing, imaging, and spectroscopy. Black phosphorus (bP)–based MWIR light emitters and detectors have been shown to outperform the state-of-the-art for commercial devices due to the low Auger recombination coefficient of bP. However, the scalability of these devices remains a challenge. Here, we report a bP ink formula that preserves the exceptional MWIR optoelectronic properties of bP to deposit centimeter-scale, uniform, and pinhole free films with a photoluminescence quantum...